Easy Coconut Whipped Cream

When I first started changing my diet, my first reaction was, “wait, can I still eat dessert?” With this dairy free whipped cream, the answer is YES! It makes all you paleo, primal, gluten free peeps super duper happy doesn’t it? Well let me just say this takes all of 5 mins assuming you’ve prepped the can. So have at it. Top your coffee, hot chocolate, pudding, pies, and berries with this super yummy, easy whipped cream.

Easy Coconut Whipped Cream

Serves 6-8


1 14-ounce can coconut cream (Trader Joe's brand) or full fat coconut milk (Thai Kitchen is best)

¼ cup powdered sugar (or more if desired)

Optional: ½ tsp vanilla extract


Chill your coconut cream or milk in the fridge overnight.

Chill a large mixing bowl 10 minutes before whipping.

Remove can without shaking or turning upside down! Scoop out the top or thick creamy parts (do not use the milk at the bottom. You can save this for another receive for later).

Place cream in chilled bowl and beat for 30 secs until creamy. Add vanilla and powdered sugar if necessary and mix for an additional minute.

Serve immediately or place in fridge until ready. Keep in mind it will harden the longer it's in the fridge.

TreatsSara Jester